Accepting V Creating


A client contacted me recently for help regarding a property she was contemplating purchasing. This house was unappealing and definitely not in the area she wanted to live in.

However, she had accepted this was all she thought was available to her within her price range.

She was settling for what she perceived was all she could receive I could sense her relief when I told her something better was coming and this was not the house for her.

A week later I received a call. She was so thrilled that the house of her dreams had come onto the market that was within her price range and she was ready to make an offer.

Often when we leave space, the result is better than we could have imagined. Had she accepted all that she thought she deserved, she would have ended up in a house she dreaded! When she stepped aside, trusted, and allowed it to fall into place, she received something far beyond her expectations! The difference between accepting and creating.

Accepting: This is all I can have / This is all I know / This is how it’s always been done

Creating: “What else is possible?” Accepting: We want to control the outcome Creating: When we are willing to be out of control and let go of the outcome Accepting: Take the option that feels safe.

Creating: Pushing through your fears, mindset, beliefs and opinions of others

Accepting: It’s all too hard, I can’t be bothered Creating: “What am I going to do right now to change things- keep focusing on this”. Keep the momentum flowing It’s hard to receive something ‘new’ or something better when we are holding onto what keeps us safe or what we know.

Take your hands off the driving wheel, even if it means slowly releasing your grip! When we have such a strong perception of how things will turn out, we may miss out on all the other opportunities that we could not have imagined coming into our reality because they are out of our view.

Where in your life have you been accepting rather than creating?

Justine Whitfield is a mindset coach, energetic healer, and reflexologist who helps people return to wellness in the body, mind and spirit so they can live a fulfilling and joyful life.




February 22, 2021