Don't Allow Self Improvement To Block Self - Acceptance


Working on ourselves is one of the most beneficial things that we can do if we are wanting to create a life of ease and joy.
But what happens when self-improvement becomes the sole focus of our attention? It lands us in a negative cycle of constantly being stuck in healing mode.
Signs that you may be stuck in healing mode are you: feeling like something at your core is wrong with you
feeling like something needs to always be fixed
have been to countless practitioners and the same symptoms or problems are still present
feel stuck and can’t seem to move forward have experienced a healing crisis
“Be patient toward all that is unresolved in your heart.”
Rainer Maria Rilke
You may be thinking that this seems counter-intuitive. Isn’t keeping ourselves in optimal health in mind, body and spirit and seeing practitioners beneficial for our wellbeing? Whilst that is absolutely the correct path to follow, imbalances can arise when you:
seeing numerous practitioners that are working on a similar problem. Eg you are seeing an osteopath, a chiropractor and a massage therapist for a bad back, and your sessions are within close proximity in time to each other are seeing a variety of practitioners in a short time frame. Eg in one week you have a healing and a kinesiology appointment have developed a mindset of feeling “less than” or “that something is wrong with you” which leaves you feeling disempowered have had many different treatments with no result. You keep dreaming that one day things will change
If you can recognize any of these imbalances, then you may be caught in a healing cycle. To extract yourself from this self-improvement healing cycle and move forward you could:
Learn to tap into your own GPS guidance system. What does your body actually want and need?
Drop the belief of when you’re healed that your life will change for the better
Space out your treatments. Multiple treatments in one week don’t allow the body to absorb and integrate each treatment
When we rush through the journey, we don’t realise the small gifts, awareness or changes that come along the way. Treat, integrate then allow transformation to happen
Perhaps it’s time for a change. Look at a different modality if you feel like you’re banging your head against the wall with little or no results
Ask yourself ‘What is currently holding me back in my development?
Above all, remember that you are enough and you always will be.

Justine Whitfield is a mindset coach, energetic healer, and reflexologist who helps people return to wellness in the body, mind and spirit so they can live a fulfilling and joyful life.
November 20, 2020